Copyright 2025 - Laserworld Showcontroller - professional laser control software

0.6. Call scenes | Showcontroller Manual

The software Showcontroller LIVE enables the direct live control of one or more laser systems.

The user interface  is adapted to common MIDI controller and automatically detects the Akai APC40 as well as the Akai APC Mini.

The main part of Showcontroller LIVE is a grid of 5 x 8 scenes, which can be assigned different scenes with switching banks - 10 banks are available. Thus it is possible to access up to 400 preset scenes from the LIVE user interface. 

Start the laser output with a click on "Start". Laser and DMX output become active.
The buttons "Start" and "Stop" only start / stop the laser output - the preview is active even if the output has been stopped.

An animation of the very scene is shown on mouse-over.
A click on a scene activates it and marks it with a red square (active scene).

6eng icon

If a yellow square is visible too, ...
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... this means, that the very scene has been configured to be in "Flash only" mode. It means that the scene is only played, as long as the mouse button is clicked or the very scene button/key is pressed.
The "Flash only" option can be assigned in the trickfilm event of the scene.

On selecting a new scene, the previously active scene becomes unselected.

The Multi Select Button enables the parallel selection of several scenes.
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If the button is set to "on", several scenes can be selected by click. another click on an active scene deselects it again.
